2014年7月1日 星期二

[joke][XD] 不含化學物質的產品 Nature期刊 by TUTOTO (TUTOTO)

Nature期刊:不含化學物質的產品介紹(A chemical-free paper)


A comprehensive overview of chemical-free consumer products



Because we still have print copies of the journal, we figured that we couldn’
t publish this paper in the journal itself as that would have meant using
chemicals… and that just didn’t seem right for a chemical-free paper — so
alas, it didn’t make the cut. That said, however, we don’t get submissions
like this every day… ones that first make us laugh and then make us think,
so we thought long and hard about what we could do. With many thanks to our
production team for assembling the PDF file, we’ve decided to post the
manuscript here on our blog, in what is essentially Nature Chemistry format
(just click on the image below to download the full pdf). If you feel like
reviewing the manuscript, please leave your chemical-free comments on this
blog post.




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    ▋ ████████████
  ▅▅ "冰的啦"

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/joke/M.1404220327.A.2F3.html
thesearcher:媽呀這真的假的XDDDD 07/01 21:30
NitroG:以下推文所條列的,就是馬英九一生對台灣帶來正面影響的政 07/01 21:33
NitroG:績。 07/01 21:33
notebookino: 07/01 21:37
NitroG: 07/01 21:49
shadowblade: 07/01 21:50
a1781781781: 07/01 22:01
phdazure: 07/01 22:07
q1001a: 07/01 22:08
JHNJHNJHN: 07/01 22:09
AlzioNever: 07/01 22:09
cakin: 07/01 22:11
roastchicken: 07/01 22:12
crescentbell: 07/01 22:13
angel0328: 07/01 22:14
sa080691:讓屎蛆尻槍 07/01 22:15
bojunchen: 07/01 22:15
noitcidda: 07/01 22:16
Repugnant: 07/01 22:22
badtonight: 07/01 22:23
NewPoliceman: 07/01 22:23
cj6u40: 07/01 22:24
drownfish: 07/01 22:25
newewew:窩~們~贏~惹~~~~\⊙▽⊙/ 07/01 22:29
wl2340167: 07/01 22:40
adairchang: 07/01 22:44
sing4520: 07/01 22:48
weber3374: 07/01 22:49
yys310: 07/01 22:59
willie6501: 07/01 23:00
HvvH: 07/01 23:01
ketoimo:這篇paper是我念過最精闢的研究 07/01 23:07
wildgoat:XD 07/01 23:09
halfsummer: 07/01 23:11
Asucks:這是我最快看完的一篇論文 XDDDDDDDDD 07/01 23:13
xczh:快笑, 不然人家以為我們看不懂paper 07/01 23:33
s0857168:只寫前言就可以發表了喔......歪國人真好當 07/01 23:35
ybz612:633 股市上看兩萬點 07/01 23:41
boyen3:最好笑的是還有reference 07/01 23:48
SMALiLy:這是真假XDDDD 07/02 00:29
yichenglee: 07/02 00:36
naminono: 07/02 00:37
dt0312:XDDDD Nature是被盜帳號嗎XDDDD 07/02 00:51
daisy810740:三小= =? 07/02 00:55
velo:that are appropriately labelled as Chemical free....XD 07/02 01:04
※ 編輯: TUTOTO (, 07/02/2014 01:12:27
frank1033:XDDDDD 07/02 01:08
AAPL:XDDDD 07/02 01:09
naubug: 07/02 01:10
buteo:這篇沒有真的登上Nature Chemistry 看網址就知道 07/02 01:16
buteo:http://tinyurl.com/o39zzll 官方的回應也很絕 07/02 01:18
buteo:期刊方面表示 Nature Chemistry現在還是有出紙本印刷 07/02 01:18
buteo:如果刊出來 就不免需要化學物品 那這樣這篇就不是chemical 07/02 01:20
buteo:free的論文 但因為這樣的文章也不是天天可收到 07/02 01:20
buteo:所以他們決定還是把文章編輯成Nature Chemistry的形式 07/02 01:22
buteo:然後發表在部落格上 07/02 01:22
vaper:結果開pdf檔看,還是需要化學物質的產品才能開啟...orz 07/02 01:57
waspie:XDDDDDDDDD 07/02 02:45
stacy62123:可是要人下載會耗費網路資源也會chemical (x 07/02 03:43
tulacu:官方還比較酸XDD 07/02 09:35
superbabyer:XD 07/02 10:41
mixxim:官方更酸... XDDDDD 07/02 11:04
lucifiel0121:所以也不能用化學物質(chrome)下載PDF嗎 ? 07/02 11:31
jason700t:樓上你知道的太多了 07/02 17:42
chuck81424:不好笑 07/03 03:41
waiter337: 07/03 21:15

