2014年7月28日 星期一

[Gossiping]Re: [問卦] 關於王丹的報導何者為實? by oversky0 (oversky0)


一、航空公司 checkin


Departure requirements
U.S. law requires all customers, regardless of citizenship, age or
destination, to hold a secure document to depart the United States
by air (one-way or roundtrip itinerary). A secure document is a
passport, U.S. permanent resident card, Refugee or Stateless travel
document, Re-Entry Permit, NEXUS card, U.S Merchant Mariner Card,
military ID or emergency travel document issued by an embassy or


二、TSA 安檢

Acceptable IDs

Acceptable IDs for screening purposes include:

U.S. passport
U.S. passport card
DHS trusted traveler cards (Global Entry, NEXUS, SENTRI, FAST)
U.S. military ID (active duty or retired military and their dependents, and DoD civilians)
Permanent resident card
Border crossing card
DHS-designated enhanced driver's license
Driver's licenses or other state photo identity cards issued by Department of Motor Vehicles (or equivalent) for the sole purpose of identification
Native American tribal photo ID
HSPD-12 PIV card
Airline or airport-issued ID (if issued under a TSA-approved security plan)
Foreign government-issued passport
Canadian provincial driver's license or Indian and Northern Affairs Canada card
Transportation Worker Identification Credential

Note: a weapon permit is not an acceptable form of identification.


Document Requirements for Air Travel
Lawful permanent residents must continue to present a valid
Permanent Resident Card. A passport is not required.




Benefits and Responsibilities of Asylees
Travel Documents

Asylees are subject to special rules for traveling outside the United
States. If you plan to leave the United States, you must receive prior
permission to by obtaining a refugee travel document.

For more information, see the “How Do I Get a Refugee Travel Document?
” link to the upper-right.

看起來政治庇護的人一定要拿到 refugee travel document,也就是 I-131 返美證。

不過沒把最後的 link 按下去看就輸了
A person with refugee or asylum status who wishes to travel
outside the United States needs a Refugee Travel Document in order
to return to the United States.
In most cases, a refugee or asylee may use the Refugee Travel
Document for travel in place of a passport. The Refugee Travel
Document is similar in appearance to a U.S. passport.

Refugee Travel Document 是用來入境美國用的,

You should file a Form I-131 for a Refugee Travel Document before
you leave the United States. We recommend that you file the form
no less than 60 days before you leave the United States.

離開美國之前要申請 I-131。建議最好出境前六十天前申請。

If you do not file for a Refugee Travel Document before you leave
the United States, a USCIS office overseas has discretion to accept
your application. You may only apply if you have been outside the
United States for less than 1 year at the time of filing. You should
not, however, assume that an overseas office will automatically
exercise this discretion, particularly if it is evident that you could
have filed your Form I-131 before you left the United States.

這一段又寫如果沒有申請 I-131 就離境,可以在 USCIS 海外分部申請

We recommend that you file Form I-131 while you are in the United
States. However it is not required for you to be present in the United
States for USCIS to approve your Form I-131 and issue a Refugee
Travel Document if your biometrics (photograph, fingerprints) have
been obtained. You can indicate on your Form I-131 that you want
USCIS to send your Refugee Travel Document to a U.S. Embassy or
consulate, or a DHS office overseas, so you can pick it up from one
of those facilities.

可以指定將 I-131 送到大使館、領事館或 DHS 海外辦公室。
不過 AIT 有沒有這項業務就不清楚了。

不拿 I-131 有無法出境的風險。


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1406515985.A.D58.html
uhmeiouramu:一個住大使 一個住領事 07/28 10:53


※ 編輯: oversky0 (, 07/28/2014 10:56:37
krishuang:biometrics應該叫生理量測資訊(指紋大頭照) 07/28 10:57
hsuehhm:可出境但入境需要旅行文件,還有旅行文件等同護照。 07/28 10:57
NaaL:對呀~所以在離美前拿到I-131會比較保險,而I-131的申辦是在美 07/28 10:58
yuhung:所以簡單來說就是:出去容易近來難?! 07/28 10:58
Liat:一般都是出去容易進來難啊! 07/28 10:59
krishuang:丹丹現在還是Asylee嗎?這更值得玩味了 07/28 11:00
oversky0:專有名詞就用 google 翻一下,不要太計較啦(擦汗)。 07/28 11:02
legendmtg:是啊 他又沒拿到任何國家的身份 07/28 11:02
krishuang:應該改為Refugee 07/28 11:03
ahiru:問題在於他現在的身份不是難民,他在拿到綠卡的狀況下,應該 07/28 11:03
ahiru:已經調整身份成永久居民,那他到底需不需要I-131還有疑問 07/28 11:04
krishuang:(翻譯)法律規定以Refugee身份進入美國一年後,必須申請 07/28 11:04
krishuang:綠卡,也就是Refugee身份只有頭一年 07/28 11:04
krishuang:請參閱USCIS網站 07/28 11:05
oversky0:旅行文件等同護照,我們移民署要求有I-131 也算合理。 07/28 11:05
krishuang:丹丹現在的只是單純的I-131,不是Refugee Travel Docume 07/28 11:05
krishuang:Document 07/28 11:06
legendmtg:如果不是難民 更不需要I-131才能出境了 07/28 11:06
legendmtg:完全就只有台灣移民署要看他什麼證件才放行的問題而已 07/28 11:06
krishuang:他沒離美一年,應該不用辦I-131 07/28 11:07
krishuang:如果搞到最後只是自己嚇自己,救好笑了 07/28 11:09
ahiru:我是覺得他的確是自己嚇自己,不過正常啦,VISA版也是一堆啊 07/28 11:10
ahiru:,道聽途說是很正常的,所以這時官方的判斷就很重要了 07/28 11:11
hsuehhm:這是美國政府的規定,是台灣政府因應他無護照要求以旅行 07/28 11:12
krishuang:現在他只需要釐清到底台移民署看不看回美證? 07/28 11:12
krishuang:直接聯絡官方不是比較快,在臉書講也沒用 07/28 11:12
hsuehhm:文件代替護照以入境台灣。 07/28 11:12
krishuang:問台灣官方,美國政府不管你出境的 07/28 11:13
krishuang:只要航空公司給你登機證,安檢後就上飛機 07/28 11:13
hsuehhm:王丹不是第一次入境台灣,應該知道移民署的規定 07/28 11:16
oversky0:難民和永久居民身分有互斥嗎? 07/28 11:16
ahiru:本來他最初的問題就是問能否不看回美證入境~只是他先發在FB 07/28 11:16
ahiru:問而已 07/28 11:16
shukevin:健保費還你,20萬美金還台灣,兩不相欠好嗎? 07/28 11:17
ahiru:要拿到綠卡,其中一項程序就是「調整身份」,照移民法的講法 07/28 11:17
krishuang:以往他兩樣都有啊,所以沒多想 07/28 11:17
krishuang:搞不好只要準備一樣(入台證)就夠了 07/28 11:18
ahiru:就是將你從其他身份轉為永久居民身份,包括難民身份,所以他 07/28 11:18
ahiru:現在不是難民身份,而是永久居民,雖然他一開始是難民 07/28 11:19
krishuang:美國移民法規定難民身份進入美國後一年要轉綠卡, 07/28 11:19
krishuang:剛剛網站看的,美國很多官方資訊都放網路很透明 07/28 11:19
krishuang:http://ppt.cc/Ot9a 自己看吧 07/28 11:21
oversky0:調整身份後繳的稅不一樣,這樣也有道理。 07/28 11:22
krishuang:如果他是Asylee,法律就不強制轉綠卡,但是建議轉 07/28 11:22
krishuang:不管哪個,他現在就是綠卡身份了 07/28 11:22
oversky0:感謝 krishuang 補充說明。 07/28 11:25
krishuang::) 鑽下去有很多好玩的地方,不過我先中離啦 07/28 11:26

網友補充 http://bit.ly/WJeRC0
因所持用旅行文件係美國核發之難民證, 較不常見,

1998年4月到美國。2011 年還是有難民證,
※ 編輯: oversky0 (, 07/28/2014 12:28:38

