NCPO: No Visa required for Chinese and Taiwanese visiting
the Kingdom between August-October
BANGKOK, 16 July 2014 (NNT) -The President of the Tourism Council of Thailand
(TCT), Piyaman Techapaiboon announced at the National Council for Peace and
Order (NCPO) daily press conference at Government House today that Chinese
and Taiwanese tourists wanting to come to Thailand for a vacation don't need
to apply for a visa during the three months August to October 2014.
Ms. Piyaman said the three month visa exception period is to thank the
Chinese people for greatly supporting the Thai tourism industry which has
resulted in high growth in the tourism sector. During the visa free period,
schools in China are having their break, and it's a great traveling time for
Ms. Piyaman said that the number of tourists coming to Thailand this year is
expected to be similar to last year which reached 28.6 million.
Lastly, Ms. Piyaman thanked the NCPO for being able to solve many of the
country's prolonged problems along with realigning public transportation such
as buses and vans which in turn is bringing foreign tourist back to the
country having regained their trust in regard to safety.
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※ 編輯: nogood (, 07/17/2014 15:47:13
→ barber:騜:還不謝主隆恩。 07/17 15:46
推 ppbigass:強國人要生氣了 竟然分兩國 07/17 15:46
推 dacapo:三個月...能吃嗎? 07/17 15:46
推 VVizZ:畢旅破處團開催中 07/17 15:46
推 bearzbaby123:已下開放揪團洗____浴 07/17 15:46
推 sakura000:一次就開放二個國家 是很缺業績哦 07/17 15:46
推 jun1981:外交簿:抗議不該將台灣人與中國人分開 07/17 15:47
噓 kimo6414:[新聞] 泰國優惠台灣觀光客 免簽證費3個月 07/17 15:47
→ kimo6414:已經有新聞了 07/17 15:47
※ 編輯: nogood (, 07/17/2014 15:48:54
推 otsuka123: 泰國在叛亂欸 去是想被流彈打成蜂窩 07/17 15:48
→ VVizZ: 但是死前破處 是性福的 07/17 15:49
推 zone0317:軍隊缺肥羊贖金 07/17 15:49
推 sulumisun:好少,真沒誠意 07/17 15:49
推 hiphopphysic:都是阿扁的德政 感謝阿扁 07/17 15:50
→ superLM:亨!這算什麼 要也三年 07/17 15:50
→ glissando:走在路上 說你藐視國王 抓起來 07/17 15:50
推 Pumama:有人敢去嗎 07/17 15:52
推 koreawargod:還不快申裝 ADSL 07/17 15:53
推 wsx26997785:YES YES YES YES YES 07/17 15:53
推 kickmeout:剛好賺你暑假跟國慶 07/17 15:53
推 lovejamwu:挖~~想去~~~ 07/17 16:00
推 joyc06u6:噢噢泰國挺台獨 07/17 16:07
噓 albb0920:感覺把台灣跟中國混在一起,無法接受 07/17 16:07
→ jerrys0580:嗜茶貓: 07/17 16:08
推 brothers5566:贊啦 泰國色情業不是普通的好玩 這下更方便了 07/17 16:10
推 eu3:支那畜生也開放… 07/17 16:12
推 carefree1205:三個月要幹嘛== 07/17 16:37
→ cs91358:三個月= = 07/17 17:11
推 mukuro:限時三個月?啥鬼阿 好怪喔 07/17 17:32
噓 simonown:各大國內外新聞都是寫免簽證費 你怎麼知道不是你這篇有誤 07/17 18:27
→ simonown:免費跟免簽證的意義差不多 簽證有其外交意義 07/17 18:27
推 owen5611:426悲憤不已 揚言去曼谷街上拉屎 07/17 20:08