紐約時報 (The New York Times)
原文標題:Israel Confirms One Soldier Is Missing in Gaza
Israeli officials said on Tuesday that it was still not clear whether an
Israeli soldier missing in Gaza had been captured or had died in combat.
The Israeli military said it had recovered the remains of six other soldiers
who were killed in the same incident, but had not found or identified those
of Sgt. Oron Shaul, 21, a soldier with the Golani brigade who is from Poria,
in northern Israel.
認上士 Oron Shaul (21歲) 的屍體。
The military wing of Hamas, the militant group that controls Gaza, said on
Sunday that it had captured Sergeant Shaul.
A senior Israeli military official said on Tuesday that Sergeant Shaul was
definitely among the seven soldiers in an armored personnel carrier that
entered Gaza around 1 a.m. Sunday. The vehicle, an M-113 that the official
said was 40 or 50 years old, encountered some problem — possibly a
mechanical breakdown, or a roadblock or an ambush — and some of the soldiers
got out to resolve it, he said, speaking on the condition of anonymity under
military rules. The vehicle was then hit by an antitank missile and caught
fire, he said, and it was not yet known whether Sergeant Shaul was inside the
carrier when it was hit.
一位在軍事原則下不具名的資深以色列軍官在星期二表示,Shaul 確實是在星期天臨晨一
The destruction of the vehicle, during a battle between Israeli ground forces
and Hamas militants in Shejaiya, an eastern neighborhood of Gaza City, was
one of the deadliest encounters for Israeli forces since they advanced into
Gaza late Thursday.
The official said it took the Israeli military between 7 and 10 hours to get
the vehicle and the remains of six of the soldiers out of Gaza.
“I’ll be very frank: Currently, we don’t know where he is,” the official
said of Sergeant Shaul. “We don’t know if he is alive or dead, we simply don
’t know.” He added, “Unless we see hard evidence that he’s alive, or hard
evidence that he’s dead, or hard evidence that he is in the hands of Hamas,
we simply say that he is missing.”
The military said in a statement on Tuesday that the families of the seven
soldiers “who were involved in the incident were briefed on the
circumstances of the attack.” Motti Almoz, the military’s chief spokesman,
told Israel Radio that the military was “clarifying the circumstances
surrounding this incident.”
訴Israel Radio,軍方目前正在釐清這個事件的現下情形。
Ans:童貞(開燈) ~和美的謎語
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1406051270.A.B56.html
推 ast2:要被割頭了 07/23 01:48
→ Morrislakbay:巴勒斯坦死了幾百個非戰鬥人員 以色列發這種新聞 07/23 01:48
推 clkdtm32:為什麼要戰爭... 07/23 01:48
推 upupchang:要發動77事變了 07/23 01:48
→ john1531:蘆溝橋事變? 07/23 01:48
→ Brad255:玩了 巴勒斯坦大概要死上千人了 07/23 01:48
→ Morrislakbay:根本是在哭邀 07/23 01:48
→ bluebell1:即使逃兵也是唯一死刑 07/23 01:49
推 Klan:廬溝橋2.0 07/23 01:49
推 kizuki0315:被抓住會被雞姦吧 07/23 01:49
推 hmcedamon:這是盧溝橋事件嗎 07/23 01:49
推 Y1999:盧溝橋 07/23 01:49
→ kizuki0315:不過愛國的以色列人怎麼可能會逃兵 07/23 01:49
推 LaplaceDemon:反正一邊是猶太人 一邊是邪教徒 都沒差 07/23 01:50
推 assassinzero:巴人的死傷人數可能會再多幾個0 07/23 01:50
推 vajra0001:活著會被虐 被逼著拍攝念可蘭經或稱讚恐怖分子的話 然後 07/23 01:50
→ bluebell1:以色列人逃到巴勒斯坦也是死 07/23 01:50
→ vajra0001:被砍頭 這種影片一弄出來 不僅是啟齒大辱 也會讓恐怖分 07/23 01:50
→ vajra0001:子高潮 07/23 01:51
推 tim1112:真的有這個人嗎 不是只是個藉口吧 07/23 01:51
→ heacoun:俄羅斯確定馬航被擊落了.. 07/23 01:52
→ basketkdash:50年的運輸車還能開喔 太猛了 只輸台灣一點... 07/23 01:52
推 coolda:好可怕喔 以色列士兵不見了 07/23 01:52
→ MKSIN:完了完了 核武要丟出來了 07/23 01:52
推 woieyufan:歷史學得不錯 07/23 01:53
推 a410046:所以勒 07/23 01:53
推 kipi91718:盧溝橋21世紀版 07/23 01:53
→ yyc2008:以色列找到之後一定會偷偷送他回去 然後繼續媒體放話要侵 07/23 01:53
推 dan310546:被抓一個人要拿一千個人換 07/23 01:53
→ yyc2008:略到找到那名士官為止 誓不罷休 其實只是想要多佔領土地 07/23 01:54
推 Mahoutsukai:哈瑪斯自己大肆招搖的 最好還賴得掉 07/23 01:54
推 tim1112:跟盧溝橋的差別是 這次美國是站在以色列這邊的喔 07/23 01:54
推 silver2012:以色列要進攻了 07/23 01:55
推 p587868:2014年巴勒斯坦蘆溝橋事變 07/23 01:59
推 DJY:在中國啦 趕快去打中國 07/23 02:00
推 winchin:以色列準備動員進入巴境內"尋找"失散的士兵 07/23 02:01
→ winchin:然後入境之後就不退出來了 07/23 02:02
推 a0501k:活著能談判停火,死了有理由進攻...怎麼想都是以色列占上風 07/23 02:03
推 LoveFood:人家巴被你沙死了400多人,你現在一名士兵失蹤就發新聞 07/23 02:07
推 ganganx:想起那晚幾百人被警察打破頭 警方反而發新聞說警察手扭到 07/23 02:10
推 yjlee0829:盧溝橋 猛 07/23 02:19
推 colenken:騙肖耶 07/23 02:20
推 jason1992999:21世紀的盧溝橋事變= = 07/23 02:21
→ KWEI40:盧溝橋V2.0 07/23 02:25
推 SpartanB:要進攻了 07/23 02:30
推 Soreio:以色列要趁這次把巴勒斯坦人殺光吧,巴沒人幫很慘 07/23 02:33
推 wingandboy:準備拍啞果出任務二 07/23 02:48
推 lover19:搶救shaul大兵 07/23 02:58
推 Kerkouros:最先聲稱? 你信嗎 反正我是信了 說他不是盧溝橋就不是 07/23 03:14
→ Kerkouros:以色列這種做什麼 都想要脫褲子放屁 猶太人果真是界亂源 07/23 03:16
這是星期天的新聞啊 http://ppt.cc/Kx~p而且還不是只有一家新聞媒體這樣報而已
※ 編輯: arrenwu (, 07/23/2014 03:23:11
推 certifi:什麼 還花好幾小時就只會了取回士兵屍體 07/23 04:35
推 Janius:以色列蘆溝橋 07/23 05:13
推 superloser:是在演七七唷 07/23 05:37
推 HONDASHE:不要一直說七七事變或盧溝橋事變 這裡是台灣 用牡丹社 07/23 06:27
→ HONDASHE:事件來形容比較好 07/23 06:27
推 Rucca:先來個中東版七七事變,接著來個加薩大屠殺? 07/23 06:41
→ c7683fh6:學二戰日本搞軍國主義了嗎? 07/23 08:33
推 hl4:Hamas傻傻的,要被硬碾了 07/23 10:10
推 windbomb:中東版南京大屠殺v2.0 07/23 10:39